GNOWFGLINS eCourse Review 3: Fundamentals I, Soaking Whole Grains, Nuts and Seeds

Hi folks! Today, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of the GNOWFGLINS Fundamentals I eCourse. In this lesson, Wardeh teaches us some hands-on methods to get the most nutrition out of grains, nuts, and seeds. For those already conversant with soaking methods, this might not be 

GNOWFGLINS eCourse Review 2: Fundamentals I, The GNOWFGLINS Foundation

This is the second in the GNOWFGLINS ecourse review. I’ll be reviewing each ecourse as I go through it, sharing my thoughts and opinions, and going over how useful each course is. Fundamentals I – Lesson 1: The GNOWFGLINS Foundation This lesson discusses the GNOWFGLINS 

GNOWFGLINS eCourse Review 1: Fundamentals I, Getting Started

Are you ready to peek inside the GNOWFGLINS ecourses? I’m totally fired up to show you! Let’s me get this right out of the way: I am no kitchen genius; I need all the help I can get. While I can modify recipes to suit 

Upcoming Review Series: GNOWFGLINS eCourses

Howdy Folks! Some of you are already familiar with the fantastic ecourse series offered by Wardeh Harmon of GNOWFGLINS (g-NOWF-glinz.) However, I bet not all of you have taken the leap and purchased a subscription to them. Perhaps you’re uncertain if it’s worth the cost of enrollment 

Edible Weeds

If you have ever taken a wilderness survival or wild edibles course, no doubt your eyes have already been opened as to the plethora of freely available, wild edibles right at your feet – often, right in your own yard! In addition to being incredibly 

Post photos of your compost pile!

As spring arrives, some of us become obsessed with Gardening Plans. Successful gardening’s foundation is good soil – soil teeming with nutrients, microbial life, worms, moisture, minerals, decaying organic matter, you name it! Having a compost pile helps us maintain our nutrient-rich soil with a 

Uses for Coconut Oil

Several of the people who left comments on the giveaway have asked variations of, “what the heck am I going to do with all that coconut oil if I win?” That is an outstanding question, and we’re happy to help!

Sustainable Pet Food

Many of us have animals in our lives, either as household pets, working animals or livestock. What we feed them can be a blind spot for some folks in terms of sustainability. Today, I’m focusing on dog food.

White Carpet, White Kitchen Sink? Really?

Judging by a few elements of our home, I can only assume the previous owners enjoyed cleaning. Where there isn’t hardwood flooring, there is white carpet. Also, our kitchen sink is white (well, sometimes.) Prior to purchasing the house, I remember looking at the carpeting