Uses for Coconut Oil

Several of the people who left comments on the giveaway have asked variations of, “what the heck am I going to do with all that coconut oil if I win?” That is an outstanding question, and we’re happy to help!

Mondays with Millie

This week marks an exciting addition to Black Chicken Host’s blogging week – Mondays with Millie, featuring the author of Real Food for Less Money, one of my favorite food websites. Millie’s expertise with creating healthy, nutrient-dense foods on a budget is vast and impressive, and 

“You say ‘SEO’ like it’s a bad thing…”

As my brilliant web designer and I were getting everything set up in the wee hours last night, we were talking about SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) My opinion of SEO is very mixed: On the one hand, I know search engines use algorithms to produce 

Stress Reduction

It’s so easy to get sucked into the insane hustle and bustle of everyday life, and to let all the little annoyances we encounter ramp up our blood pressure, make us irritable, et cetera, and that can carry over into our home life, stressing our 

WordPress Plugins – Pros and Cons

WordPress Plugins – Pros and Cons

Many bloggers use WordPress (and we do, too!) which is a fantastic tool to use for an online presence. In addition to very nice built-in functionality, there is a robust community of developers who write add-on features for WP called “plugins.” Plugins can do anything 

All-Natural Cleaning Ingredients for the Sustainable Household

There isn’t a single person on this earth who could accuse our founder of being A Picky Homemaker – indeed, there is more than a little dog hair on the carpets and sometimes the kitchen looks like this: