Author: forty

BCH Managed WP Services FAQ

BCH Managed WP Services FAQ

If you were part of our beta testing this past summer, you already know the wonders that is our BCH Managed WP Service. Let us help you manage those mundane WordPress tasks for you! From offsite backup management to extra security scans, let us worry 

PHP 7 and why you should be using it

PHP 7 and why you should be using it

New and Improved PHP The long-awaited next version of PHP, version 7.0, was released at the end of 2015 and has been since receiving regular updates. With this new version of PHP, amazing speed and new features came along with it. Because it was released 

Bandwidth Usage and Review

Bandwidth Usage and Review

What bandwidth is and what bandwidth isn’t. Run out of or getting close to your bandwidth limit for the month but Google Analytics doesn’t show much traffic or page views? This is possible for a couple reasons: Google Analytics doesn’t track files like images being 

Upcoming SSL changes to Google Chrome

Upcoming SSL changes to Google Chrome

New labeling for HTTP sites Starting in July 2018, Google Chrome will be marking all http sites as “Not secure”, something you may have already seen on some sites. When you request a site with http rather than https, your connection is not secure and