Before You Reach for the Chocolate Sauce…

…might I suggest something else? Something utterly unconventional and pretty odd-sounding?

Yes? Ok. Here we go!

My husband and I received an ice cream maker for Christmas, which gives me the perfect excuse to indulge (ok, perhaps to over-indulge) in one of my favorite ice cream treats: Real vanilla bean ice cream with…

…olive oil, sea salt and balsamic vinegar.

Wait! Don’t go!  Doesn’t this look yummy?

This is just the olive oil and salt – mmmm!

It would be overstating things to say these unconventional toppings are a complete replacement for chocolate sauce, but holy wow folks, is it ever yummy! I’ve been eating balsamic on ice cream for a couple of years – it just seemed like a good idea to try, and it surely was. However, I never in 1,000 years would have thought about putting olive oil and salt! For that idea, I have to thank Lynn Rossetto Kasper at The Splendid Table.

As I was driving around running errands one weekend a few months ago, one of her callers described a delectable treat – real vanilla bean ice cream, topped with really good, grassy olive oil, sprinkled with a bit of crunchy sea salt flakes. I had to try it!

Oh. My. Goodness.

I know it sounds crazy – to a person, everyone to whom I have suggested it was skeptical.

To a person, they have all Loved It.

The key is using a good, flavorful olive oil – not a light, extra-extra virgin style; that’ll just be an oily, icky mess. You want something with body. Don’t overdo it – just drizzle it, and sprinkle some sea salt over the top. The surprising crunch of the sea salt, the grassy notes of the olive oil adding to the creamy texture of a high-quality (or homemade ice cream) is absolutely divine.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try some balsamic along with the olive oil, or by itself with the ice cream – I’ve found balsamic to be especially excellent with plain chocolate ice cream. In conjunction with the olive oil and salt on vanilla, though, it is outstanding.

The whole ball of wax

I know you think I’m insane, but heck – what do you have to lose? Give it a try on just a little bite – drip some balsamic over a spoonful, just a touch. The acidity balances gorgeously against the creaminess of the ice cream.

If you do try it, let me know how you liked it! Did you prefer olive oil and salt, balsamic, or all three?

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