So far, so good!

This morning, I baked up the soaked sourdough whole wheat biscuits for which I ground all that wheat flour yesterday.

The recipe I used was from Eat Nourishing, and was one of the few soaked, whole wheat, sourdough biscuit recipes I could find. Truth be told, I’d rather have used Jill’s recipe, but I’ve no clue how to convert a non-sourdough recipe to a sourdough one (yes, I am just this much of a noob at this.) The biscuits were lovely, had a nice tooth and texture and (more importantly) were quite delicious. I used buttermilk for the liquid, and I think that made them tastier. The chunkier bits of wheat softened through the soaking/baking process.

The recipe made a pile of biscuits – 29 in all. I’d probably halve it next time.

I ate two for breakfast over two hours ago, and so far, so good! No metallic taste or tingling, which usually occurs within minutes after I consume gluten. No twitching intestines (yet.)

We’ll see how the rest of the day goes. 🙂

(See edit after photos)

Meanwhile, a few photos of the process this morning – apologies for the light in our kitchen.




My symptom-free bliss lasted until about 4pm, when I started getting minor intestinal twitches. These feel really odd – it’s like an internal quiver lasting anywhere from half a second to several seconds.

Thus, soaking and sourdough-ing aren’t enough. I have one more card to play – sprouting.

I’m going to wait awhile before trying that, though, to purge this batch of gluten from my system.

This result is disappointing, to be sure, but not unexpected. I have a food allergy, it must be contended with.

While I miss the texture and particular crust/yumminess gluten provides, it’s not worth poisoning myself. If the sprouting thing doesn’t work, either, then I’ll pass along about 4.5 pounds of hard red wheat berries to some lucky local person who can use them better than I can.


The symptoms were very mild, and passed completely away overnight. On the whole, the soaked, sourdough biscuits produced far, far less of a reaction than I would have had to unsoaked wheat. There’s science here I need to investigate further, and when I do, I’ll report back.

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